• 6.1 MM impressions
  • 24,546 total page views
  • Average time on article of 3 minutes, 30 seconds

Quebec City Tourism

Boston Globe Custom Content Series

The Quebec City region is the ideal destination for a trip that combines history, urban attractions and nature. It offers authentic cultural experiences with a touch of European charm. Quebec City Tourism wanted to attract American travellers — specifically adults 25 to 45 years of age — living in the Boston and New York regions, to make Quebec City their next travel destination.

We partnered with Boston Globe Media to create a series of custom articles that shined a spotlight on several unique aspects of Quebec City. They included must-see sites and landmarks, local cuisine, the art scene, and the history behind it all. Tapping into the Boston Globe’s audience we were able to engage with Quebec City Tourism’s target demographic and inspire them with engaging and picturesque content.

Overall, the campaign delivered over 6.1MM impressions, with an average of 3:30 minutes spent on each article.